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401 Results for search "Food &, Nutrition: Misc.".

Health News Results - 401

Adding cereal to a baby’s bottle is a habit that’s been around for a long time to help introduce solid foods while also supplementing a mom’s breast milk.

But this practice can cause babies to pack on some pounds early in life, however, a new study says.

Infants were about 50% more likely to experience rapid weight gain if they were fed milk cereal drinks during th...

Unhealthy ultra-processed foods have wormed their way into American kitchens, likely harming people's health for decades, a new study warns.

More than half of the calories adults eat at home now come from ultra-processed foods, which contain high levels of sugar, salt, fat and o...

Taking even high doses of supplementary vitamin D won't lower an older person's odds for type 2 diabetes, new research confirms.

Vitamin D supplements may have other benefits, but in otherwise healthy folks with sufficient levels of the nutrient, "our findings do not suggest benefits of long-term mo...

The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in fish oil supplements might help protect people from cancer, a new study claims.

Study participants with higher levels of omega-3s had lower rates of colon, stomach, lung and other digestive tract cancers, researchers found.

Likewise, high omega-6 levels l...

Text messages and other online feedback can help prevent obesity in very young children, a new study demonstrates.

Kids had a healthier weight-for-height growth curve during their first two years if parents were offered electronic feedback on feeding habits, playtime and exercise, researchers found.

“What is kind of exciting from our study is we prevented those children who wo...

Sugar overload is a real danger on Halloween, as piles of candy prove a powerful temptation to both Trick-or-Treaters and the folks handing out the goodies.

Too many sweet treats can instigate a blood sugar spike followed by a hard crash, causing folks to become irritable and experience symptoms like dizziness, upset stomach, tiredness and headache, said

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • October 31, 2024
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  • Don’t automatically throw out that old COVID-19 at-home test you just came across in your medicine cabinet.

    It might still be good, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

    Some over-the-counter COVID tests have had their expiration dates extended beyond the date displayed on p...

    Type 2 diabetes is caused in part by the failure of pancreatic beta cells to respond as they should to blood sugar.

    Now, new research suggests that switching to a low-carbohydrate diet might correct that beta cell dysfunction, boosting patients' health.

    "People with type 2 diabetes on a low-carbohydrate diet can recover their beta cells, an outcome that cannot be achieved with medic...

    A healthy diet can help keep prostate cancer in check, a new study finds.

    The better a man eats, the less likely his low-grade prostate cancer will progress to a more dangerous state, researchers reported Oct. 17 in the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • October 21, 2024
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  • Studies in mice have shown that the fungal toxin zearalenone can mimic estrogen, and it might hamper reproduction.

    It's not yet clear if the "mycoestrogen" compound can do the same in women. However, a new study finds that nearly all pregnant women ingest zearalenone as part of their daily die...

    Folks who struggle to reduce their carb intake might be able to blame ancient DNA still lurking in humans, a new study suggests.

    Humans carry multiple copies of the salivary amylase gene (AMY1), which helps begin breaking down starch in the mouth -- the first step in digesting carb-laden foods like bread and pasta, researchers said.

    The duplication of this gene might have occurred a...

    THURSDAY, Oct. 3, 2024 (HeathDay News) -- Moms-to-be have long known about breast milk's multiple benefits. Now, a global study confirms that antibodies passed from to baby in breast milk can indeed shield against disease.

    Immune system antibodies against one common infection, rotavirus,...

    A new law just passed in California makes it the first state to tell public schools they may no longer serve foods that contain six artificial dyes linked to health and behavior problems among children.

    Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the California School Foo...

    If you think it isn't important to start breastfeeding your newborn while still in the hospital, think again.

    New research shows that infants who were exclusively fed breast milk during their hospitalization right after birth were 22% less likely to develop asthma in early childhood.

    The findings, to be presented Sunday at the American Academy of Pediatrics annual meeting in Orlando...

    Four out of five pregnant women will become deficient in an essential nutrient, iron, by their third trimester, a new study finds.

    The researchers and other experts are now advocating that iron levels be routinely checked during a pregnancy for the safety of a mother and her baby.

    Right now, guidelines from the

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  • September 26, 2024
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  • That plastic wrap you find around the food you eat is far from benign: A new study shows that more than 3,600 chemicals leach into food during the packaging process.

    Of that number, 79 chemicals are known to cause cancer, genetic mutations, and endocrine and reproductive issues, a team of international researchers reported Tuesday in the 

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 17, 2024
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  • Folks dieting to drop pounds should consider eating a fistful of nuts here and there, a new review suggests.

    People who ate 1.5 to 3 ounces of almonds, peanuts, pistachios or walnuts daily as part of a calorie-cutting diet wound up losing more weight than those on the same diet without nuts, researchers said.<...

     The average American diet has only improved modestly over the past two decades, despite tons of research tying unhealthy food to obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease, a new study finds.

    The percentage of U.S. adults with a poor diet decreased from 49% to 37% between 1999 and 2020, based on data fro...

    In countries where gender equality is becoming more of a reality, men's meat consumption tends to rise relative to women's, a new study shows.

    The phenomenon was seen mainly in richer countries in North America and Europe, and was not seen at all in large but less affluent China, India and Indonesia.

    Why? Researchers believe it's due to men in wealthier, more gender-equal nations h...

    A plant-based eating regimen designed to save the Earth also saves people's lives, a large study confirms.

    "Shifting how we eat can help slow the process of climate change," said corresponding author Dr. Walter Willett, a professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. "And what's h...

    Less than one-quarter of people who survive serious heart conditions receive the dietary counseling needed to protect their future health, a new study finds.

    Only about 23% of people treated for major illnesses like heart attack and heart failure receive counseling on their ...

    If you suddenly find yourself craving food or drink right before you head to bed, one expert suggests you steer clear of big meals and caffeine.

    "From a sleep standpoint, you shouldn't eat a big meal at 8 p.m. if you plan to go to bed at 9 p.m. If you are sensitive to caffeine, I would say to stop drinking it around noon," said

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 19, 2024
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  • "Skinny"fat cells might actually make it harder to lose weight and easier to pack on extra pounds, a new study says.

    Researchers say it's possible to predict if someone's going to gain weight based solely on the size of their fat cells.

    People with large fat cells tend to lose weight over time, and those with small fat cells tend to gain weight, according to a Swedish study schedule...

    People who eat large amounts of ultra-processed foods have a slightly higher risk of premature death than those who mostly shun the industrially produced eats, a new 30-year study says.

    Those who ate the most ultra-processed foods"an average of seven servings a day"had a 4% higher risk of death overall, and a 9% higher risk of ...

    New mothers who like to smoke marijuana might wind up exposing their babies to THC through their own breast milk, a new study says.

    THC, the intoxicating compound in cannabis, dissolves in the fats contained in human milk, researchers found.

    Mother's milk produced by weed users always had detectable amounts of THC, even when the mothers had abstained for 12 hours,

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 9, 2024
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  • Advanced liver cirrhosis can push levels of ammonia in the blood to hazardous levels, but skipping meat at mealtime can help reverse that, new research shows.

    "It was exciting to see that even small changes in your diet, like having one meal without meat once in a while, could benefit your liver by lowering harmful ammonia levels in patients with cirrhosis,"said study lead author

    Giving your kid a drink, snack or small bag of fast food on the way home from day care might distract them during a busy commute, but it's not doing their daily diet any favors, a new study warns.

    The hour after kids are picked up from day care stands ou...

    School lunches will soon contain less added sugars and salt under new nutrition standards announced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture on Wednesday.

    "We all share the goal of helping children reach their full potential,"Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a news release announcing the changes. "Like teachers, classroom...

    Emulsifiers -- substances that are essential ingredients in processed foods -- appear to increase people's risk of type 2 diabetes, a new study finds.

    In fact, the more emulsifiers that people eat as part of their food, the higher their risk of type 2 diabetes, researc...

    Parents too often wave the white flag when it comes to young picky eaters, a new survey finds.

    Three out of five parents say they're willing to play personal chef and cobble up a separate meal for a child who balks at the family dinner, according to a national poll from the University of Michigan.

    This often leads to the kids munching something less healthy, said

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 22, 2024
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  • A head-to-head trial of obese, pre-diabetic people who ate the same amount of daily calories -- with one group following a fasting schedule and the other eating freely -- found no difference in weight loss or other health indicators.

    So, despite the fact that fasting diets are all the rage, if you simply cut your daily caloric intake,

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 19, 2024
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  • Eating healthy can lower the risk of heart disease in breast cancer survivors, a new study has found.

    Heart disease is a top cause of death in women who've survived breast cancer, likely due to the toxic effects of chemo, radiation and targeted cancer thera...

    Cancer-linked 'forever chemicals' made news this week, with the Biden Administration vowing to cut levels in the nation's tap water.

    New research finds that the chemicals, known as PFAS, can also contaminate the seafood Americans eat.

    No one i...

    Cutting back on sodium is crucial to treating heart disease, but most heart patients aren't able to limit their salt intake, a new study finds.

    On average, people with heart disease consume more than double the daily recommended amount of salt, researchers report.

    Sodium is essential for human health, but taking in too much can raise blood pressure, which damages blood vessels and f...

    Fried foods not only wreck the waistline, but they could also be harming the brain, a new study of lab rats suggests.

    Fed chow that was fried in sesame or sunflower oil, the rodents developed liver and colon problems that wound up affecting their brain health, researchers found.

    These brain health effects not only were found in the lab rats that munched down the fried food, but also...

    Most folks know they'd be healthier if they ate more plant-based foods, but only a quarter are willing to follow through and do it, a new study shows.

    Surveys reveal that Americans' beliefs about eating more plants for health are often at odds with their daily dietary choices, researchers say.

    Does your water bottle only get washed once or twice a week -- or even less?

    Time to switch things up: Even a day or two without washing can encourage the growth of unhealthy germs in the average water bottle, one expert said. 

    And, "yes, you could get sick," warned  Dr. Yuriko Fukuta, an infectious diseas...

    WEDNESDAY, March 20, 2024 -- Boys who drink lots of sugary soda and fruit juice could be more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life, a new study has found.

    Each daily 8-ounce serving of sugary drinks during a boy's childhood is associated with a 34% increase ...

    Over the first few years of a child's life, foods found in a family's fridge and cupboards tends to get less healthy, new research shows.

    "We found significant changes in several food categories over time," said study lead author Jennifer Barton. "Food items such as non-whole grains, processed meats, savory snacks, candy and microw...

    Scientists have long noticed that folks who eat healthy have healthier brains as they age, including lowered odds for dementia.

    Now, researchers believe they know why: Regimens like the heart-healthy Mediterranean or DASH diets appear to slow biological aging, helping to protect the brain.


    Folks worried about becoming flabby in middle age should check out what their parents looked like when they were that age, a new study says.

    People are six times more likely to become obese in middle age if both their parents were chubby during that time of their lives, according to research to be present...

    Put down that donut and lay off the pasta: New research finds you're less sexy after gorging on refined carbs.

    French researchers presented heterosexual adults with photos of an opposite-sex person who two hours earlier had eaten a breakfast rich in refined carbohydrates.

    Participants rated the folks in the photos as less attractive compared to people who'd eaten a healthier breakf...

    Sipping sodas"sugary or diet"seems to slightly increase a person's risk of developing a potentially dangerous irregular heart rhythm, a new study shows.

    Folks had a 20% greater risk of atrial fibrillation if they drank two liters or more of artificially sweetened beverages each week, researchers reported March 5 in the American Heart Association journal Circulation: Arrhythmia and El...

    There's a host of studies supporting the numerous ways breastfeeding helps baby's development -- and the health of mothers, too. 

    However, too many women are hesitant to start breastfeeding or stick with it if they do, according to Nadine Rosenblum, a perinatal lactation program coordinator at Johns Hopkins Hospital...

    FRIDAY, March 1, 2024 (HealthDay news) -- More than 1 billion adults and children around the world are now obese, a new global analysis estimates.

    Nearly 880 million adults now are living with obesity, as well as 159 million children, according to the report published Feb. 29 in The Lancet journal.

    Obesity rates for kids and teenagers quadrupled worldwide between 1990 and 2...

    Vaping and skipped meals appear to be the main causes of frequent headaches among teens, a new study says.

    Teens who ate breakfast and dinner with their family had a lower risk of frequent headaches than those who regularly missed meals, researchers report Feb. 28 in the journal Neurology.

    Meanwhile, vaping also was associated with frequent headaches for those 12 to 17, res...

    Ultra-processed foods can cause dozens of terrible health problems among people who eat them too often, a new review warns.

    Researchers linked diets high in ultra-processed foods to an increased risk of 32 separate illnesses. In particular, these foods are strongly tied to risk with early death, heart disease, cancer, mental health disorders, overweight and obesity, and type 2 diabetes, r...

    PFAS "forever" chemicals, increasingly linked to health risks, will no longer be added to food packaging handled by American consumers, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Wednesday.

    "Grease-proofing materials containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances [PFAS] are no longer being sold for use in food packaging in the U.S.,"

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • February 28, 2024
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  • Living close to a pub, bar or fast-food restaurant doesn't do your heart any favors, a new study finds.

    Folks who live in close proximity to such establishments have a higher risk of heart failure, compared to those who live farther away, researchers report in the Feb. 27 issue of the journal Circulation: Heart Failure

    These findings weren't a complete surprise, said...

    Junk food increases people's risk of colon cancer, as well as alcohol, lack of exercise and obesity.

    Unfortunately, many Americans don't know about these risk factors for colon cancer, a new survey has found.

    Colon and rectal cancers have been rising in people under 50 for two decades, researchers said, meaning that many develop the cancer before screening colonoscopies are recommen...